COSCO raises Asia/Europe bunker, currency fees
COSCO Container Lines said it is amending the bunker and currency surcharges it assesses between Asia and Europe.
From Dec. 1, the line’s bunker surcharge in both directions, including reefer shipments, will go to $580 per 20-foot container and $1,160 per 40-foot container between the Far East and northwest Europe.
On shipments between the Far East and Mediterranean (including Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and the Black Sea, West Africa and North Africa regions) the surcharge will be $550 per 20-foot container and $1,100 per 40-foot container.
On shipments between the Indian Subcontinent region and northwest Europe/Mediterranean, the surcharge will be $350 per 20-foot container and $700 per 40-foot container.
Meanwhile, COSCO’s currency adjustment factor will rise to 12.62 percent for Asia/Europe containers in both directions. American Shipper |