Italian all-cargo airline Cargoitalia will add extra flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong in its summer schedule.
Starting later this month, Cargoitalia will operate four times weekly to Hong Kong -- on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Tuesday and (new) Friday services will operate via Sharjah, while the Thursday and Saturday flights will continue to route via Dubai.
Also later this month, the airline will increase its flights to Shanghai to three times weekly, with a new Friday service joining the existing departures on Wednesday and Sunday. All flights will continue to make a “tech-stop” in Krasnoyarsk in both directions.
Cargoitalia will continue to operate twice-weekly to New York’s JFK airport on Wednesday and Sunday (an earlier departure time for the previous Monday service), twice-weekly to Atlanta (via New York) arriving Monday and Thursday, and twice-weekly to Chicago on Thursday and Saturday. American Shipper |