Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) moved 2.4 million tons of cargo in April, a 4.7 percent increase -- or 108,532 tons –- over the same month a year ago. “Our total tonnage makes April the highest volume month on record,” said GPA Executive Director Curtis Foltz
The GPA handled 258,951 TEU, 10,040 TEUs more than April 2012. The port also handled 57,709 auto and machinery units in April, its third highest month for roll-on, roll-off cargo.
Foltz said four new ship-to-shore cranes are slated to arrive at the Garden City Terminal the second week of June. The new cranes will bring the total number of electric-powered ship-to-shore cranes to 25. Of those, nine are post-Panamax, and 16 are super-post-Panamax.
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